Sports Day♥
@Bishan Stadium, sat and stood for like a trillion times. Only one casualty spotted within my area, &they presumed that he had sprained his hips or something like that(?) Hence Guangliang just 'muscularly' carried him onto the stretcher and sends him back to the base. Thus I was praying and hoping that nobody else would get injured, if not I'll be like, omg. :O Dismissed at around 10.30am, got home to get prepared for the Recreational Activity after that(:
@Bishan Stadium, sat and stood for like a trillion times. Only one casualty spotted within my area, &they presumed that he had sprained his hips or something like that(?) Hence Guangliang just 'muscularly' carried him onto the stretcher and sends him back to the base. Thus I was praying and hoping that nobody else would get injured, if not I'll be like, omg. :O Dismissed at around 10.30am, got home to get prepared for the Recreational Activity after that(:

Met up with the Sec1's @Amk before we train down to th' Meeting Point.
Waited for 1/2 hour till everyone else was there, and then strolled down to Mind's Cafe' :D Though it's a cool place, but I can't deny it's been quite boring for those who already have been there last year; which is excluding the Sec1s. Well, at least they have had fun [: Ordered "Mushroom & Cheese toasties (with fries)" for $4.50 if I'm not wrong. &Went around to cope people's food, not bad yeahs. After a few rounds of good games, decided to study a little; (Chemistry & Social Studies') Stuffs like that. &It was pouring cats & dogs, chickens & ducks outside when the Recre' finally ended. Trained home with Ziyan and was drenched with that white class tee :/ (Ohwells, if you know what I mean -.-') Had a so-so day anyway.

See this hardworking guy? (Coughcoughs!)
It rained this morning too! There goes my chance of running 2.4 D: Ohwells, school's as usual but something nearly caused me to suffer from stroke during Add. Maths today. (The stupid new sitting arrangement, I wonder how am I gonna .. Nvm :/) Homed, then out to Library. Borrowed 3books to read for these 3loneless nights. Gotta mug these weekends, oh and no going out, I have to save money♥
Bad flu, so I don't really understnd what am I typing too.
The English used may be broken, so yeah can't be blamed. Bye♥
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