Friday, May 23, 2008

The time isn't right, it'll never be.

It's very depressing, really.
Knowing that you got a class position of 1/41 last year, then suddenly deranked till 3/43. Wouldn't you be dishearten too? :/ I know, most people will say "It's very good already what, why your expectation so high? I got rank so&so worst than you lor." Yes, that's because you people never really experienced this feeling before, right? &I had expected at least a 2nd position; yet everything turns out so differently. I feel intensely dumb now actually): Cried my heart out for a few times, it doesn't work. Screw this -.-

I swear I'm not going out after holidays, &I mean it.
Maybe it's afterall, a right decision not going to Express. )':
Combined marks/grades got pulled down by my CA damn'it.`
Total: 422.1/600, Percentage: 70.4% (Deproved)
EMB3 Aggregate - 11, L1B2 Aggregate - 5

Remarks: She's a pleasant and conscientious student with excellent manners. She is always cooperative and attentive which makes it a pleasure to have her in class.
Ohyeah, Happy Birthday Johannes :D

They don't understand, though all these have been contradicting.
Perhaps you're right for once, maybe it's just me.

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