Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My hair sucks now alright, I told the hairdresser of what type of hairstyle I want. & then he mistaken what I said. Because there's 2types of hairstyle from my explaination. :/ I wanted the more innocent-looking one, now he gave me some ah-lian one. Which is so wrong can. D: That's not the problem why I hate it, I hate it because he trimmed&layered my fringe till !#$%^&*(, now I have to pin up to look better; because it's .. too short for my high forehead. -.-

Gahs, nevermind.
It'll grow longer soon, hopefully.

Changed blogsong, as many people uses "Take a bow" as their blogsong. ):
&Now I'm totally in love with remixes :D

I'm missing someone I shouldn't.

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